Transit justice youth interview
What is your name(s) ?
– Tanisha Scott , Maraiah Scott , Alex Oliver , Yerenia Urbina.
What is your organization ?
-Seattle Justice youth organization
What is your biggest fear in the community or organization?
– People don’t have transportation and are not able to get to their destinations safely.
What is your outlook for the community?
– Having the community working together and creating a safe place for getting to your destination safe, and kids getting to school safe and having bus fare.
Describe your ideal volunteer or community member.
– Someone able to reach out to people who don’t care too much about community of transit problems.
– Someone who cares.
– Someone interested in the community that’s caring and dedicated.
What is your biggest challenge?
– It’s hard getting people to understand the role of our job.
– The community doesn’t see transit as a problem.
– People don’t understand youth transportation issues and the struggles for students to get to school.
Are things going like you expected this year or have you been surprised ?
– Going as expected, but it takes teens to take the first step. There has been change in the group. Starting with youth will make the change.
– In the meeting with Kevin Desmond, Metro’s General Manager, we were surprised that he was not aware of most of the transportation problems in Rainier Beach.
What’s next for your group?
– Another bus mural
– Attend the School Board meeting for students to get orca cards for better transportation.
-Trying to start this program at RBHS for students who want to help and be a part of it.