2023 Headline Highlights: August – May
Welcome to part 2 of our 2023 Headline Highlights. I, JJ am here to show you all some of the great headlines posted onto our FreedomNet Newzwire from August to May 2023. So here are some highlights from the end of our 2023 summer back to spring 2023.
Thank you to EVERYONE who played a part in making the 20th Rainier Beach Back2School Bash a HUGE success!
What a way to celebrate 20 years of community service!
pc: @atlanticstreetcenter pic.twitter.com/oYVQcsxUqp
— Rainier Beach (@rainierbeach) August 29, 2023
The #2023Back2SchoolBash has come to an end, and we have been cleaning up the space trying to leave it as clean if not cleaner then when we arrived. #SetTheRecordStraight #RainierBeach #Back2SchoolBash pic.twitter.com/bPMAhGGUef
— Jeremiah Conyers (@FN_JConyers) August 27, 2023
The running City Council member for our district @CMTammyMorales giving us a reminder that community events is how we show love and support for each other!@rainierbeach @champsseattle #rainierbeach #education pic.twitter.com/VzibTz3ZOw
— Messiah Fagerholm (@fn_mfagerholm) August 26, 2023
Yay for Wanda, who played a major role in building up RBAC into the powerhouse it is today. Let every flower bloom! https://t.co/PvaemvgZs8
— Ken Gillgren (@kengillgren) August 25, 2023
Interested in articles by youth and young adults that live in Rainier Beach? Check out the @RainierBeach action coalition website and explore the citizen journalism tab! Join us in #shiftingthenarrative of the Rainier Beach neighborhood. https://t.co/mhmQGAl33X pic.twitter.com/EJYgUGmdUm
— Samuel Woldemariam (@FN_SamuelW) August 19, 2023
An excerpt from Marcus Green’s recent article, “KEEPING PERSPECTIVE WHEN TRAUMA STRIKES A SACRED PLACE”
Check out the full article https://t.co/50uvoZSbGW
Remember, We keep us safe. pic.twitter.com/axPAlxb9xt
— Rainier Beach (@rainierbeach) August 15, 2023
Set-up is currently happening for activation. Activation is happening now until 7:30 near the Rainier Beach Light Rail Station! Come say hi to the RBAC young adults, take a survey, and learn what’s going on in Rainier Beach. pic.twitter.com/zl96UxKF8V
— Makayla (@FN_Makayla) August 9, 2023
#RBAC #Seattle #SouthSeattle #SetTheRecordStraightRB #SESeattle #RainierBeach #CommunityBuilding #Budget #Finance #Workshop #EconomicDevelopment
— Raphael Jackson (@RBAC_Raphael) August 9, 2023
Don’t forget to listen to RBAC’s latest podcast episode! You can find it on our Youtube, Spotify, and other channels!https://t.co/zekKYFFoQN@RBAC_Kerry @rainierbeach #podcast #Rainierbeach pic.twitter.com/cHKnOBj5xE
— Messiah Fagerholm (@fn_mfagerholm) August 9, 2023
— Makayla (@FN_Makayla) July 29, 2023
Join us for a Restorative Resolution Town Hall now till 3:30pm behind South Shore Field. Enjoy free food, games, and learn how we can work together to keep our community safe and thriving. Meet your neighbors, share ideas, and be part of the solution. All are welcome! #RBAC pic.twitter.com/HyTXAfvBpo
— Raphael Jackson (@RBAC_Raphael) July 29, 2023
We’ve got TWO new podcast episodes out! Check them out!https://t.co/nQyS5snmZK#RBAC #RainierBeach #Seattle #SouthSeattle #PublicSafety #RestorativeJustice #TransformativeJustice pic.twitter.com/xf4tjbV130
— Rainier Beach (@rainierbeach) July 31, 2023
Today I had the opportunity to present to local business owners on the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) and how they can apply tactics to have their businesses show higher on search results pages. This wont be the last cyber cafe, hope to see you at the next one! pic.twitter.com/bDPbM4MkfQ
— Samuel Woldemariam (@FN_SamuelW) July 28, 2023
Some photos from the economic development Town-hall that happened earlier today. Shoutout to Judy, @RBAC_Raphael and all the engagement worker youth that came through to support the event! pic.twitter.com/RiRucOdNjO
— Samuel Woldemariam (@FN_SamuelW) July 27, 2023
Shout out to Sam, Safiyat, Nurhaliza, Osama, and David for getting the BBQ lit! Come out to the Garden Party at the RBAC Office from 12-3pm! Food, painting, scavenger hunt, and more pic.twitter.com/qPZABoHXgy
— Tina Brigit (@FN_TinaBrigit) July 12, 2023
Huge shout to @fn_marisol for being one of the MC’s at this event! Kudos to the young people at Youth Consortium for putting their heart and time into this zine. A special kudos to the women who shared their poetry and all the families affected by incarceration. https://t.co/MGUywdZmYC pic.twitter.com/dGpewqKPtp
— Makayla (@FN_Makayla) July 3, 2023
RBAC has a new podcast episode out! The two co-founders of RBAC, Gregory Davis and David Sauvion, talk about all the awesome work David has done at RBAC!https://t.co/ka38pb0glp@RBAC_David @rainierbeach pic.twitter.com/ZBZbryfU7E
— Messiah Fagerholm (@fn_mfagerholm) July 1, 2023
I am proud to represent the RB neighborhood at the Rainier Valley Creative District table. Excited about our first project…besides meetings. “Welcome To Rainier Valley Creative District” murals. Thanks to #ArtsWA, Adefua. #RVCDmagichour #rbac #settingtherecordstraightrb pic.twitter.com/viMHvVJCmC
— Rainier Beach (@rainierbeach) June 25, 2023
Great read on this fine Sunday morning
RIP Elijah Lewishttps://t.co/XG4KLiSuMV pic.twitter.com/cag2quAEYO
— Raphael Jackson (@RBAC_Raphael) June 25, 2023
Rainier Beach farm-stand operates every Saturday this summer from 10am-12pm located right across the street from the RB light rail. Free fresh culturally relevant produce #FoodJustice #RainierBeach — Photo from @rainierbeach_farmstand on instagram. pic.twitter.com/XA1r9WaBUG
— Samuel Woldemariam (@FN_SamuelW) June 25, 2023
@FN_JConyers and I taste testing strawberries. They are delicious! pic.twitter.com/tGp4xgGqyt
— Makayla (@FN_Makayla) June 17, 2023
Today we are at Seward park Ave & Rainier. Here you will see @Kyllan, @fn_RCroone & @fn_OsamaK Beautification is part of our Crime Prevention Through environmental Design. Shout out to @fn_RCroone for the chocolate chip cookies #RainierBeach #SetTheRecordStraightRB #CPTED pic.twitter.com/iCg4i4HCCU
— Marisol Santos-Perez (@fn_marisol) June 17, 2023
Día De Las Vidas – Where we honor our loved ones who have passed away yesterday we where at Pritchard beach we had a arts table, circle, Alter, & Food
I truly appreciate everyone who pulled up #RainierBeach #SetTheRecordStraightRB pic.twitter.com/W4K6pQX1e0— Marisol Santos-Perez (@fn_marisol) June 15, 2023
A fun day out gardening with the Garden Gremlins! And we’ve almost started this year’s Farmstand! Their gonna be out every Saturday this summer!@rainierbeach @FN_Makayla @fn_marisol @RellBeFree @RBAC_Halley pic.twitter.com/KfVbgXDNDS
— Messiah Fagerholm (@fn_mfagerholm) June 14, 2023
This Saturday! Come learn how to prepare yourself, your family, and your community for various emergency situations
The Urban Survival Skills Fair will be at the RB Community Center from 12-4pm#RBAC #RainierBeach #Seattle #SouthSeattle #PublicSafety #EmergencyPreparedness pic.twitter.com/0foqiVbgMg
— Rainier Beach (@rainierbeach) May 31, 2023
“DRUMS NOT GUNS” June 2nd 3pm
To empower the youth & seeking new pathways to end Gun violence on The Puyallup Reservation & Tacoma Area✨
In the video we have Connie McCloud a Puyallup tribe elder & Danny who blessed us with a prayer #SetTheRecordStraightRB pic.twitter.com/PlAoEbW1BI— Marisol Santos-Perez (@fn_marisol) May 26, 2023
The 2023 MLK Community Service Award Winner from Harbor View. Haven’t seen him since he was 12 years old at the Rite of Passage Experience at CAMP – Paul Carter, Violence Intervention and Prevention Specialist Harbor View. Proud of him! #settingtherecordstraightrb pic.twitter.com/5zsHboCwnl
— Rainier Beach (@rainierbeach) May 25, 2023
The Restorative Resolutions Network & Regional Peace Keepers Collective at the Together We End Gun Violence Conference #SetTheRecordStraightRB #RestorativeResolutions #RBAC pic.twitter.com/8JRje3NlnY
— Marisol Santos-Perez (@fn_marisol) May 25, 2023
I had the pleasure of attending an exceptional meeting with FiveDot this morning to discuss RBAC Food Innovation Center.#RBAC #Seattle #SouthSeattle #SetTheRecordStraightRB #SESeattle #RainierBeach #CommunityBuilding #Development #standforfoodjustice pic.twitter.com/b1tOPg9INC
— Raphael Jackson (@RBAC_Raphael) May 24, 2023
Here Jerrell and Marisol take to the stage, and share with us things that make the neighborhood more safe and beautiful, like the #HealingCircle, #GardenGremlins, and more. Then left us with the quote, “Who keeps us safe? We keep us Safe!” #SetTheRecordStraight #RBAC pic.twitter.com/rL9uCcb5sN
— Jeremiah Conyers (@FN_JConyers) May 21, 2023
Hey! Today we’re in front of ranier beach community center at ranier and Henderson. Make sure to check us outmay 18th from 4:30to 6: 30 pm!! #RBAC #ranierbeach pic.twitter.com/As497d3TSD
— Hanan (@Fn_Hanan1) May 19, 2023