How do you run from something that chases you?
How do you run from something that chases you?
You can hide and peek around bushes
You’ll always be in fear
Always trembling in thought about the “What If?”
When you lay down in the dark
You can’t sleep because your mind is still awake
Running in thought about the “What If?”
While your body lays in bed, paralyzed
Lying there stiff with a heavy weight on your chest
You can’t see anything but darkness
You can’t breathe because there no longer air
If you’re lucky your leg might twitch
Waking you up for another day
Another night
A sleepless night
Where darkness brings out fear and thoughts
Thoughts of the unknown
Thoughts of fear aren’t the things that happen at night
Those thoughts will become the things you see
You hear
You smell
And if you get to close it might touch you
Even if you try to ignore these things