The Bell perspective
On Saturday, September 15th Seed Arts hosted the 20th Annual Rainier Beach Art Walk.
The art walk stretched from King Donuts to Maya’s Mexican restaurant. This event featured different business establishments, musical performances, public art for adults and children, and art booths detailing local art from the neighborhood. Each of these booths exhibited the diversity of cultures and art forms in the Rainier Beach Community. We can all come together and make something beautiful. Examples include children’s dances, music performances, and visual art. The arts exhibited at the Rainier Beach Art Walk showed that our community has more to it than meets the eye.
One of the highlights was the shoe art at King Donuts. This artist made Transformer figures out of recycled pieces of running shoes and sneakers. The shoe that really stood out to me was the Voltron figure. Seeing this took me back to my childhood and made me reminisce about the times I used to watch Transformers the cartoon.