Assignments: February 6 through February 18
NOTE: Beat assignments are not exclusive, that is, citizen journalists may attend or monitor any additional areas, depending on their interest and available time. So if your name doesn’t appear where you expected it to, please feel free to attend and report on any event or beat in which you are interested. We’ll reconfirm beat assignments at the February 18 staff meeting.
RE: iPads: All three iPads have now been updated to the newest system software and have a common set of applications and settings so that any Citizen Journalist can use any of the iPads for posting headlines and articles. Mr. Davis now has all three iPads and will be contacting youth over the next week or so to make them available for covering beats. Contact Mr. Davis if you have a particular project or event for using one of the iPads.
If you know of other events that should be listed or that you will be covering, send information by email to helpdesk@seseattlefreedomnet.org
Assigned Citizen Journalists: tbd
Events and resources
- Rainier Beach Neighborhood Advisory Committee
- Date: Wednesday, February 15
- Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
- Location: Southeast Senior Center (4655 South Holly Street, Seattle, WA 98118)
- Additional Economic Development resources
Assigned Citizen Journalists: Ariel, Christen
Events and resources
- Rainier Beach Design Team Meeting
- Date: Wednesday, January 18
- Time: 4:00 – 5:30 pm
- Location: Rainier Beach High School Career Center
- Additional Education resources
Assigned Citizen Journalists: Ismael, Sahla
Events and resources
- Rainier Valley Eats Community Dinner
- Date: Friday, February 17, 2012 [PLEASE RECONFIRM BEFORE YOU GO!]
- Time: 5:30 – 6:30 pm
- Location: Location: Rainier Community Center (4600 38th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118-1673)
- Weekly work parties
- Date: Saturday, February 11 and 18, 2012
- Time: 10aam to 3 pm
- Location: Rainier Beach Urban Farm (5513 S. Cloverdale St, Seattle, WA 98108)
- Additional Environment resources
- Environment Media Dashboard
Assigned Citizen Journalists: Leonard, Robin, Ronald, Tila
Events and resources
- Rainier Beach Community Club
- Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2012
- Time: Social time: 6:30 Meeting: 7:00 – 8:30 pm
- Location: VFW Hall (6038 S. Pilgrim St, Seattle, WA 98118-1673)
- Rainier Beach Community Center Advisory Council Meeting
- Date: Tuesday, February 14
- Time: 6:30 – 8:30 pm
- Location: Rainier Community Center (4600 38th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118-1673)
- Additional Family Life/Culture resources
- Rainier Beach News Dashboard
Assigned Citizen Journalists: tbd
Events and resources
Assigned Citizen Journalists: Lizeth, Mariah, Trevon
Events and resources
- Restoring Our Water
- Date: Thursday, February 9
- Time: 6:00 to 7:30 pm
- Location: Rainier Beach Public Library
- Note: Possible survey opportunity
- Survey Outreach
- Date: Saturday, February 11
- Time: 12 noon to 2:00 pm
- Location: Oromo Cultural Center (8817 Renton Ave S)
- Training and Data Entry
- Date: Wednesday, February 15
- Time: 5:30 pm
- Location: Rose Street Cafe (8136 Rainier Ave S)
- See full Transit Justice Calendar for all events in February
- Additional Transportation resources
- Transportation media dashboard
- Date: Saturday, February 18, 2012
- Time: 10 am to noon
- Location: Cathcart Computer Lab at Urban Impact (7728 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, Washington 98118)