Hani’s posts of the Rainier Beach Community Healing Space on November 6th, 2020
RBAC worker Jessiah Marks at our Friday weekly CHS(community healing space) taking lead on info table and getting ready to give community members information and resources. We’re here every Friday 4:30pm @rainierbeach pic.twitter.com/ZLyMYTDv6U
— Hani (@fn_haniahmed) November 7, 2020
RBAC info table where we give out information and resources to the public. Jessiah and Mr.Davis (RBAC Managing strategist) are explaining who we are and giving out information. pic.twitter.com/hVbFfq95oO
— Hani (@fn_haniahmed) November 7, 2020
⚡️ “Hani’s posts of the Safeway Community Healing Space on 11/6/20”https://t.co/trgljWfEIp
— Jeremiah Conyers (@FN_JConyers) November 16, 2020