Safiyat’s posts of the Rainier Beach Safeway Community Healing Space on October 16th, 2020

RBAC setting up for community healing space pic.twitter.com/gfoI3gVolD
— Safiyat (@fn_safiyat) October 16, 2020
Setting up the literature table where you can find information about covid-19 and Rainier Beach action coalition at Safeway parking lot pic.twitter.com/IBebAOmqJv
— Safiyat (@fn_safiyat) October 16, 2020
— Safiyat (@fn_safiyat) October 16, 2020
Dnnia, a engagement worker Picking up garbage in the safeway parking lot pic.twitter.com/73vr5yvIyM
— Safiyat (@fn_safiyat) October 16, 2020
⚡️ “Safiyat’s posts of the Safeway Community Healing Space on 10/16/20” by @FN_JConyers https://t.co/Bzn5XdWF81
— Jeremiah Conyers (@FN_JConyers) October 23, 2020