Messiah’s posts of the Rainier Beach Safeway Community Healing Space on October 9th, 2020

The Corner Greeter team is all set up for this weeks Healing Circle! We're here at the Rainier Beach Safeway if anyone wants masks, food, or to know about the community! pic.twitter.com/SlYVhJExqy
— Messiah Fagerholm (@fn_mfagerholm) October 9, 2020
Some of the masks, sanitizer, and covid safety tips at the info table today #Rbac pic.twitter.com/nnwM270L7Q
— Messiah Fagerholm (@fn_mfagerholm) October 9, 2020
⚡️ “Posts of the RB Safeway Community Healing Space by Messiah on 10/9/20”https://t.co/v1PpJcR7ca
— Jeremiah Conyers (@FN_JConyers) October 12, 2020