Dunia’s posts of the Rainier Beach Safeway Healing Space on August 14th, 2020
Healing space here at Safeway come through and say hi pic.twitter.com/TpVHc3CFye
— Dunia (@fn_dunia) August 14, 2020
Here goes the food station and get pizza 🍕 pic.twitter.com/buXszNQGXN
— Dunia (@fn_dunia) August 14, 2020
We located at Safeway every Friday foe our healing space pic.twitter.com/fnhVczo5uV
— Dunia (@fn_dunia) August 14, 2020
⚡️ “Dunia’s posts of the Safeway Community Healing space on 8/14/20”https://t.co/K5W90ZP5gE
— Jeremiah Conyers (@FN_JConyers) September 8, 2020