Makayla’s posts of the Back2School Bash and the Rainier Beach Farm Stand on August 8th, 2020

Set up beginning bright and early yet again for the #RainierBeachFarmStand every Saturday at the Rainier Beach Community Center 10- Until all the produce runs out! pic.twitter.com/9PVdruyknf
— Makayla (@FN_Makayla) August 8, 2020
⚡️ “Makayla’s Posts of the Rainier Beach Farm Stand on 8/8/20”https://t.co/X1ZhaypopX
— Jeremiah Conyers (@FN_JConyers) August 26, 2020
At the Rainier Beach Community Center.
— Makayla (@FN_Makayla) August 8, 2020
The entertainment stage is being set up! pic.twitter.com/IyZt544vim
— Makayla (@FN_Makayla) August 8, 2020
The entertainment stage is being set up! pic.twitter.com/IyZt544vim
— Makayla (@FN_Makayla) August 8, 2020
A line of cars here waiting to get free backpacks and learn more about what’s happening in the community. pic.twitter.com/lQzsCHZTQE
— Makayla (@FN_Makayla) August 8, 2020
⚡️ “Makayla’s posts of the Back2School Bash on August 8th, 2020”https://t.co/f0KcqjUqzZ
— Jeremiah Conyers (@FN_JConyers) August 26, 2020