Local Heroes: Laura Rice and Jen Kantor
There are local heroes everywhere. Here at RBHS here are two staff who make a big difference. These two help students not only in school but also helps students themselves become holistically healthy. I don’t mean just eating health or working out (though that is important). These staff help students work on their mental health, realize that the way students feel and think about things matters. Mrs. Rice and Jen both help students with this in different ways. Mrs. Rice has a class that everyone should take. In her health class, students learn a lot about drug use, relationships, social pressures in school and mental health. This is something that really affects students here at RBHS. Nearly ninety percent of the students here are on free / reduced lunch. (That means most of our students live at or below the poverty line). This could be one of the biggest reasons for RBHS drug use. Also Ms. Jen works at the nurse office. She helps students who suffer from mental problems. That could be anywhere from you having a bad day or suicidal thoughts. Don’t be alarmed this doesn’t make you crazy. But if you are worried about yourself or someone else, you should seek help and these two women are always happy to help you. Everything you tell him is confidential so there no need to worry.