Advisory Council Meeting on Nov. 8
On November 8th the Advisory Council held a meeting talking about the Rainier Beach Community center. The meeting was held so people of the community can be heard and seen. They also talked about what should be inside the community center so that everybody who walks into the new community center feels happy and enjoyable. There were four questions asked throughout the meeting so that everyone could have their voice heard and their opinions stated.
1. What should we prioritize?
2. What should we keep doing?
3. What should we stop doing?
4. What can you do?
Top 2 highlights:
To answer question two people in the community stated: Childcare, Infant/Adult CPR, babysitting classes, and youth employment/ training supportive staff
Another highlight were the adults interacting with our FreedomNet journalist about what we think should go on in the future of the Rainier beach community center and how we feel we could change the center.
Most surprising thing heard:
To answer question three what should they stop doing, people stated stop being rude. People like the staff and adults who are at the rainier beach community center. Also, that kids and teens can don’t ever be turned away for not having money to pay a fee for a class or an activity.
Most controversial thing heard:
The problems the people in the community have with construction. How they asked to change the Rainier community center and the opinions they gave weren’t heard. Things that were a problem were space, and how they wanted a 2nd story expansion but never got it. But in the future they want to increase future program space capacity.