Posts of our 2021 Rainier Beach Boo Bash made October 31st, 2021

Nearly time for the BooBash! Hope everyone can make it to the community center today for trick or treating, music, horse riding, and more Halloween entertainment!@rainierbeach @champsseattle #Boobash2021#rainierbeach pic.twitter.com/WiWIZOwCiq
— Messiah Fagerholm (@fn_mfagerholm) October 31, 2021
There are activities and performances too! People are having fun with the Double Ducth Divas pic.twitter.com/ietyPN32mN
— Makayla (@FN_Makayla) October 31, 2021
October 31st 2021, the Rainier Beach annual Boo Bash was truly a trick-or-treaters wonderland. Candy, games, and fun activities as well as live entertainment and music all for the kids. I’d say the event was a huge success! Here’s what I captured: #RainierBeach pic.twitter.com/QIB1zI2Xdr
— Samuel W (@FN_SamuelW) November 1, 2021
https://t.co/9PhgmPSsAF Posts of the 2021 Boo Bash on 10/31/2021 #SetTheRecordStraight #BooBash #BooBash2021 #RainierBeach
— Jeremiah Conyers (@FN_JConyers) November 29, 2021