The Corner Greeter Experience – October 2020 part 2

RBAC setting up for community healing space pic.twitter.com/gfoI3gVolD
— Safiyat (@fn_safiyat) October 16, 2020
Community healing circle talking about community guidelines and what the topic will be about in Safeway parking lot pic.twitter.com/8orK5h8ukm
— Safiyat (@fn_safiyat) October 17, 2020
— Dunia (@fn_dunia) October 17, 2020
Hey it’s JJ here, if you like the posts made on the Freedomnet Newswire and would like to learn more about what’s going on in Rainier Beach, I urge you to visit our websites where we have all this and more for you to see! https://t.co/dCgXJjbuWv https://t.co/RQVu23Cveb pic.twitter.com/NVyeBy610D
— Jeremiah Conyers (@FN_JConyers) October 23, 2020
Mom's demand action is out here giving desserts pic.twitter.com/jZwikyY82o
— Safiyat (@fn_safiyat) October 23, 2020
@rainierbeach we all set up for another healing space come and join us at Rainer beach Safeway #rainierbeach #comminty pic.twitter.com/hW94MNA4EE
— Malcolm Dunston (@fn_malcolm) October 23, 2020
Hello I’m Hani Ahmed a Beach 5 member documenting RBAC’s @fn_kingnisby doing safety surveys outside Safeway for our weekly Friday Community Healing Space. pic.twitter.com/Y2WXmAjVna
— Hani (@fn_haniahmed) October 24, 2020
Fatima Kabba at RBAC has been doing some awesome work writing articles and poems for our Freedomnet website! And a few of us from the #Beach5 team like @FN_Makayla are working to help make the website even more accessible for the RBAC youth!https://t.co/kBiroO4L00
— Messiah Fagerholm (@fn_mfagerholm) October 28, 2020
Our new our newest member of RBAC Latricia doing beautification at Safeway parking lot pic.twitter.com/myZ47uAadq
— Safiyat (@fn_safiyat) October 30, 2020
Eating good today at healing spaces come on down rainier beach Safeway today and join us @rainierbeach pic.twitter.com/TOrYVivw6M
— Malcolm Dunston (@fn_malcolm) October 31, 2020
⚡️ “The Corner Greeter Experience – October 2020 part 2”https://t.co/9vtuj8xsb5
— Jeremiah Conyers (@FN_JConyers) February 23, 2021