The Corner Greeter Experience – July 2020 part 2

Here's another load full ready for tomorrow's distribution. Come and get what you need. We'll be at the Rainier Beach Community Center Plaza between 10-2pm. pic.twitter.com/GdG1lkMmV2
— FreedomNet HelpDesk (@FN_HelpDesk) July 18, 2020
Rainier Beach FarmStand at the Rainier Beach Community Center! Here from 10-2 or until all the produce is gone 🙂 #freshproduce pic.twitter.com/px4CmeAmwm
— Makayla (@FN_Makayla) July 18, 2020
Watering our Garden by the Chief Sealth Trail! How can you grow without water? What’s the water in your life? #rbac #rainierbeach #cleancrew #beautification @ Rainier Beach https://t.co/HITgDHIqQ7
— Tyra Griffith (@FN_TyraGriffith) July 22, 2020
Some Live tweeting from Budget Town Hall with @CMTammyMorales and @mhgreen3000
How can people register thoughts, opinions and input?
Inboxes flooded, thousands of calls amd emails a day. Call, email, every Friday there is community conversations.
— Makayla (@FN_Makayla) July 24, 2020
Getting started on our corner greeter for today come and JOIN US pic.twitter.com/dxuj1iWpj6
— Dunia (@fn_dunia) July 24, 2020
— Dunia (@fn_dunia) July 25, 2020
The RBAC team is getting ready for our weekly Healing Circle by the Rainier Beach Safeway! pic.twitter.com/YOS6dgn3dT
— Messiah Fagerholm (@fn_mfagerholm) July 31, 2020
⚡️ “The Corner Greeter Experience – July 2020 Part 2”https://t.co/Hxg3CJtm2f
— Jeremiah Conyers (@FN_JConyers) February 6, 2021