Ariel’s Photo Voice Poster
Many people talk about how bad the Rainier Beach area is but I see it changing for the better. This picture is of a sign I really like. The sign says “drive carefully; think of the impact you could make.” I like this sign so much because it shows that people in the community really care about how their actions impact others.
Follow your dreams
This picture is a sign that’s very positive. It says “follow your dreams, they can lead you anywhere.” To me it basically means you can do anything you put your mind to.
Local Park shows its peaceful side.
My picture is of Beer Sheva Park. I decided to use this picture because it shows how peaceful and beautiful this park really is. Going to Rainier Beach High School Beer Sheva Park wasn’t always considered a positive area but in this picture I captured how positive it really can be.
Safe campus
This picture is of another sign I really liked. This sign is located on all the doors going into Rainier Beach High School. It says “Welcome to our school! This is a Tobacco-free, Drug- free, weapons- free campus every day, all day, by everyone.” This sign is welcoming but it also shows that the school not only cares about the school but also about the people in it.
What do you stand for?
This picture is one of my favorites. It’s located inside Rainier Beach high school. It’s so important to me because it makes you question what you stand for
Working together
This picture is from Rainier Beach High School’s art class. Every student in the class had a little square piece of paper where they had to draw something different that imitated another small piece of paper that the teacher gave them without knowing what it was. In the end they put them all together to make a big picture. It helped them work together.